566 publications
Gifts and hospitality register for April 2011 - March 2012
Disability strategy 2012 – 2015 supplementary statistical bulletin #1 housing
Tackling fuel poverty in Northern Ireland - an area-based approach to finding households most in need
The use of Spatial Measures for the targeting of Need
Together: Building a United Community Strategy
Child and working-age poverty in Northern Ireland from 2010 to 2020 (IFS Report R78)
Summary Quality Report for the Northern Ireland Labour Force Survey Religion Report - revised April 2013
Universal Credit in Northern Ireland: what will its impact be, and what are the challenges?
Labour Force Survey religion report - revised March 2013
Grasping the nettle: the experiences of gender variant children and transgender youth living in Northern Ireland
Disability Strategy 2012 – 2015 Baseline Indicator Set
Good relations indicators - 2012 update
Labour Force Survey religion report 2011
Draft note of One Plan interdepartmental coordination group meeting
Note of One Plan interdepartmental group meeting - 27 September 2012
OFMDFM 2011-2012 annual report and accounts
Report of the Advisory Group on Alleviating Hardship
Statistics on Religious Communities and the Labour Market in Northern Ireland - Assessment Report July 2012
User Engagement and User Needs
Minutes of One Plan interdepartmental group - 12 June 2012