566 publications
Labour Force Survey Religion report 2012
Recession, resilience and rebalancing social economies in Northern Ireland
Child and working age poverty in Northern Ireland over the next decade: an update.
Haass report - Proposed agreement
OFMDFM biannual report 2012-2013
The long view of Community Relations in Northern Ireland: 1989-2012
Disability strategy 2012 – 2015 supplementary statistical bulletin #3: access: transport, sport and leisure
The Public Appointments and Public Bodies annual report 2011/12
A profile of older people in Northern Ireland – 2013 update
Agestats website www.agestats.ie – user guide
Study of income and expenditure poverty in Northern Ireland 2007-2010
Measuring young people’s perspectives on sharing and integration in Northern Ireland
E-Government and older people in Ireland – North and South
OFMDFM 2012-2013 annual report and accounts
Child Poverty Outcomes Models – An International Review
Disability strategy 2012 – 2015 supplementary statistical bulletin #2 crime and fear of crime
Children and young people's strategic indicators update September 2013
Child poverty outcomes framework NI September 2013
The NI Executive's programme for affordable and integrated childcare
Best Practice in addressing child poverty